a few weeks ago i started streaming tuesday mornings at 8:30am et on twitch before it’s time for me to do Real Work™. it’s a variety stream, mostly me chatting and online window shopping. unsurprisingly, lots of candles.
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it’s been a couple of years now that i’ve been an ep at women’s prison association so it only makes sense that our stars would align in just the right formation to bring a partnership with a candle company!
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you don't become a year older just on your birthday, it's something that happens continuously throughout the year – unless you're me, who literally stays the same age all year round but then ages a year on my birthday.
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you don't become a year older just on your birthday, it's something that happens continuously throughout the year – unless you're me, who literally stays the same age all year round but then ages a year on my birthday.
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you may have recently seen a video of a woman making a “spaghettio pie”. i won’t try it, i honestly don’t think it will work. i also, not to get too high off of my own supply, own an actual rolling pin.
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how do you add an extra pop of color to your work day?
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wow, friends, would you look at that incredible nail art - the colors, the variation in style and shapes! they’re all so different, but yet it works somehow?
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wow, friends, would you look at that incredible nail art - the colors, the variation in style and shapes! they’re all so different, but yet it works somehow?
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i wanted to share this photo i just took of pumagreg mid-snore.
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