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how do sunscreens work

of all my opinions on skincare, one of them is that **you should wear spf every day**. that’s easier said than done - your complexion, skin type, budget, and even which country you live in all have an impact on what your best options are. i’m still figuring it out for myself, and i’ll do a post about the products i use at another time.

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my 2020 gratitude thread

every month or so when i am feeling destructive, i’ll run a script to delete all of my tweets – except for a choice few, of course. this year i’m going to avoid doing that, but just in case i want to immortalize a “gratitude thread” thread i made on new years eve.

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halloweens of yesterjenn

i love halloween because dressing up is fun and fun rules. because of *these unprecendented times™* i didn't have any parties to go to, but fortunately i had the stream to dress up for. and i scoured through every photograph on my computer taken in the months of october and november over the past 30 years to find me in past halloweens.

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some things that are helping me get through october

i just read through 3 months of magazine subscriptions and realized that i'm long overdue on sharing some lifestyle happenings on this, my lifestyle blog. september brought everyone an extra amount of bullshit that we're still seeming to process on top of what october's been bringing our way. i wanted to take some time to talk about some things that have not been disappointing or stressing me out.

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