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jenn schiffer's live laugh blog

all good posts

command strips and lemon dill chickpea pasta

i was in target earlier this week looking for a couple of things for my home. i know that target has a reputation for being full of really annoying women, and it’s true – i am really annoying women. the reality, though, is that behind every actually annoying woman in target is an even more annoying college-age son who she’s trying to match the energy of so they get get the hell going without her taking on herself whatever adventure he is on. i salute the moms actually trying to get their crusty sons through life without falling into the ✱ndrew t✱te pipeline! 🫡

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i spent the last month on a pretty cool watercolor project

welcome to my blog. i know it's been over a month since i've lived, laughed and blogged, but this project i'm about to talk about has been taking up my free time and i think you'll find it worth my absence. if you don't find that this is the case, then keep that to yourself 💜

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oh boy, she's making watercolors again

there's this beautiful store in san francisco called case for making that a dear friend recommended i visit the last time i was out there (5 years ago, i think!). i bought some beautiful neon half pans from them and they've been a favorite online shop of mine since...

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candle-making my way to a cento fine foods sponsorship

i took an afternoon off of work last week to make up for working on an office holiday – typical for hot, smart babes whose job it is to support their users. with a new set of candlescience fragrance oils delivered, i ate a chewable (legal) and tried to see how many candles i could make before it hit.

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pickling red onions

andy and i picked some red onions over the weekend and i feel like we instantly leveled up as both tax-payers *and* adults with kitchens.

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circling back on the aquatic toilet seat

when i blogged last week that i'd finally order the aquatic seat that i've been thinking about for 8 years, i held up my end of the one-sided bargain and followed through. it was $59.99 when i ordered, and it arrived 3 days later.

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this isn't necessarily the aquatic scene toilet seat i will get but it illustrates my 'point'

we're two weeks shy of my 8 year anniversary of moving to jersey city - hard to believe that around this time i was packing my montclair home. as a then-shopper of amazon, the e-commerce website, i was looking for things i'd need for the new place and was recommnend a toilet seat with an acquatic scene. it was blue resin, transparent, perfect, and had fish and sand in it. also it was $80 – you can probably buy an actual parrot on amazon these days for under $80!

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carousels, cashews, candles and community

when i was little, my grandma and i used to take the car service to coney island to ride the carousel. i loved my time with my grandma so much that i kept to myself the constant anxiety in my tummy as we rode in a stranger's car, encountered sketchy men on the boardwalk, and rode the horses in a circle over and over again in the hot and sticky air. i never told her i was scared or that my tummy hurt, because i didn't want her to stop spending time with me. as far as i was concerned back then, my grandma was all that i had.

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