this week i turned 40 and i was very excited to hit that milestone so PLEASE spare me the "there's nothing wrong about turning 40" because you're PROJECTING! and onto this beautiful, perfect creature:
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laws have become a gentlemen's agreement and we are no longer ruled by gentlemen - that's how i'd explain the last week at a higher level with what's going on in america and even on the streets of my own community.
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andy was craving an arnold palmer (half lemonade, half ice tea, half pro golfer) today, but the ones in the grocery store have way more sugar than we like to consume in a drink, so i decided to make some at home.
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i was in target earlier this week looking for a couple of things for my home. i know that target has a reputation for being full of really annoying women, and it’s true – i am really annoying women. the reality, though, is that behind every actually annoying woman in target is an even more annoying college-age son who she’s trying to match the energy of so they get get the hell going without her taking on herself whatever adventure he is on. i salute the moms actually trying to get their crusty sons through life without falling into the ✱ndrew t✱te pipeline! 🫡
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andy and i picked some red onions over the weekend and i feel like we instantly leveled up as both tax-payers *and* adults with kitchens.
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when i was little, my grandma and i used to take the car service to coney island to ride the carousel. i loved my time with my grandma so much that i kept to myself the constant anxiety in my tummy as we rode in a stranger's car, encountered sketchy men on the boardwalk, and rode the horses in a circle over and over again in the hot and sticky air. i never told her i was scared or that my tummy hurt, because i didn't want her to stop spending time with me. as far as i was concerned back then, my grandma was all that i had.
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in my last blog i booked a hair appointment and i've since had that hair appointment.
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this month sucked, which is why i have been hella logged-off for a lot of it. things seem to be headed in the right direction, though, so instead of dwelling on negative stuff i want to focus on the following foods which have been a great comfort to me this summer
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i don't think i've ever officially *gardened*. i was simply never told that it was a thing i could even ever do. several years ago i lived in an apartment building with a grassy front lawn in montclair, new jersey, and during a visit from my uncle vinny, he said 'what's with the grass, you should pave it.' it's absurd to most, but there was virtually no grass within sight from our bay ridge apartment when i lived with him as a baby. what i'm getting at is, basically, a balcony counts as 'nature' to me.
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in which i reflect on one of the most epic and kept-behind-closed-doors cake failures ever in my mid-thirties.
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