coming off of being pretty sick last week and then continuing to heal from that *whilst* starting my period - yes, that keeps happening for some reason - i was starting to doubt that i had anything to even write about this week. that's when it's time to just start typing what i'm thinking.
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in my last retro, which i posed *on time* unlike this one I KNOW, i said that the coming week would be a busy one. boy, was it.
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i'm just coming down now from a heightened state of agitation, caused by only just realizing at 5pm that daylight saving time ended while we were asleep. imagine the clock saying 5pm and your cat is not screaming for food and treats, it's *terrifying* lol! fortunately, pumagreg is fine and, as far as he's concerned, getting an early dinner.
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i had a small, belated birthday gathering last night so, of course, so we split a cannoli at breakfast at 2pm and now i'm Ready To Blog™.
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i'm sitting here groggy, swollen and sore after a very poorly-slept night - a signal of my period starting any second. but it's hard not to feel invigorated about this week after seeing the next few days' forecasts having temperature highs in the low-50s after a very frigid and windy couple of weeks. time to crack open a window and finish this blog post. but first, a rorschach test...
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this week i turned 40 and i was very excited to hit that milestone so PLEASE spare me the "there's nothing wrong about turning 40" because you're PROJECTING! and onto this beautiful, perfect creature:
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laws have become a gentlemen's agreement and we are no longer ruled by gentlemen - that's how i'd explain the last week at a higher level with what's going on in america and even on the streets of my own community.
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