weekly retro: the one where i got sick
in my last retro, which i posted on time unlike this one I KNOW, i said that the coming week would be a busy one. boy, was it. for the latter half of it i was like this:
let's rewind to monday.
jamie and i were back at wonderville for robot karaoke that night. i highly recommend doing a tough cardio workout on a show day, that way you can be exhausted and have a huge headache halfway through whilst your 5-day tattoo itches like crazy.
the night was really great though, despite the energy crash. it's pretty cool to be able to fill an arcade bar on a monday night. so many people signed up to sing, and they were all so good. but, oof, that headache. fortunately advil, and gorgeous early-spring weather, carried me through jerseyscript the next night.
my therapist was finally back after a couple of weeks away, and i was feeling as good as a dog waiting patiently for its espresso on 19th st (pretty good). afterwards i met with a friend and we walked over 20,000 steps.
all that walking may have been what lead to my later-in-the-week demise: too much "fresh" nyc air. my throat right now feels like how dusty this citibike lot is.
because of my period and tattoo session, i hadn't been to yoga in two weeks and i desperately needed to hang upside down like a bat - and stretch my screaming quads from the prior day's walk. you know, i'd love to have the nerve to stay after class to take a photo of me in a pose for you all, but last week the nerve did not exist so you get my mat in a pose for you all.
friday i woke up feeling like i was hit by a truck. fortunately it's just a mild upper respiratory deal, not covid, but having been so active this week left me little energy to heal. i spent all weekend in bed and watched SO much tiktok, like at least 10,000 hours of it. only this afternoon did i finally go on the computer so i can pay my gas and electric bill (the site doesn't work on mobile apparently).
oh! earlier this week i also wrote about markers. yesterday, coming out of my sick cave, i did some sketching with the markers and andy really loves them so i'll have to make more.
things i liked this week
- i'm a make-doom-run-on-a-weird-thing hater, but i did enjoy this art gallery parody of doom. hard to believe i'd be posting a newgrounds link in 2025 lol
- i mentioned i watched a lot of tiktok this weekend while out sick. two accounts i fell in love with were mew builds, who makes the most unhinged and incredible sims houses, and shop cats show, which is a show where their outstanding host interviews bodega cats around the city.
- codedex posted a podcast version of my q&a with them the week prior. it was a fun conversation, so check it out!
- not a thing, but i have to give andy a huge shout out for taking care of me while i was sick. i used to be the kind of person who not only never asked for help, but would reject help when offered. it's nice to have a partner i can just let take over when i have no energy to spend.
i'm still not feeling great today, though i'm in that tail end of being sick where i'm able to blog and answer emails but still stay inside. i opened the windows to enjoy the spring breeze and a moth almost flew into my mouth. nature and i are both healing, together.
xoxo jenn