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weekly retro: despite the haters (germs) i'm back

coming off of being pretty sick last week and then continuing to heal from that whilst starting my period - yes, that keeps happening for some reason - i was starting to doubt that i had anything to even write about this week. that's when it's time to just start typing what i'm thinking.

screencap of hank hill from the animated series "king of the hill" at a computer saying "i'll blog what i'm thinking"

as i'm getting close to launching my candle store, i'm thinking a lot about executive function. i have the kind of adhd where i do a lot of knowledge gathering and have lots of ideas and pretty good organization skills, but it takes seemingly forever to take action if i'm the one creating my own deadlines. i've been working hard to combat that during this self-sanctioned sabbatical by saying yes to things and experimenting more.

photo of me holding a thermometer gun up to my air fryer as i'm cooking fried tofu sandwiches and tater tots

experimentation in action plays out a lot in my kitchen. this week andy's friend shared that he was making the superiority burger tofu-fried sandwich so i made that too. you marinade the tofu in pickle juice which is kind of genius. i also made this spring ricotta pasta but used a vegan "spam" instead of pancetta. everything came out great and there were 5 million dishes to clean.

a photo of a "welcome to jersey city" mural on scaffolding and a barrier in the middle of street construction

it wasn't until thursday when i could leave the house to do a chore without feeling like i wanted to die. at that point, it had been a full week since going to the gym or yoga. fresh air and exercise do wonders for my mental health, so i had never been more excited to do a...pharmacy run. tell me why they texted that my pills were ready but said i wasn't in the system when i arrived? i felt myself getting sick all over again until they finally found and handed over the goods.

a photo of a bottle of non-alcoholic bourbon on the shelf of cool vines in jersey city. the brand is kentucky 74

next week will be 6 years since i stopped consuming alcohol! there's no doubt that this lifestyle change had positively impacted my mental and physical health. after the pharmacy, i stopped by a liquor store (the circumstances of me quitting lend to me being able to be safely around real alcohol and other drinkers) to pick up some non-alcoholic bourbon to make myself some throat-soothing hot toddies, or at least my take on them: brew hot black tea, add a squeeze of lemon, spoon full of honey, and a shot of fake bourbon.

photo of a sandwich board in manhattan outside a pet shop that says "to pee or not to pee that is the question. - ur dog"

by friday i was feeling well enough to go into the city for therapy. this is a major schedule change for me that we made recently, and i'm happy it worked out the way it did. one thing i'm trying to do going into this new business venture is set boundaries on when i work so that i don't burn myself out, and so i'm going to try for a four-day work week where the weekend starts on friday.

photo of my double boiler setup on the stove with green and yellow wax blocks starting to melt

that starts next week though lol. i had not melted any wax while i was sick so, i spent a whole lot of friday and saturday getting back into it. also, i couldn't not take advantage of the sunny day to take more product photos.

photo of my gym's fancy treadmill and you see me taking the photo in the reflection. i walked on a slight incline for an hour at mostly a 3.5 mph pace

today (sunday) i finally made my way back to the gym for a lighter cardio workout. i had been coughing like crazy for a week, so it was crucial that i started slow and hydrated a lot. i have managed to go to the gym 30 weeks in a row which may be my longest streak. it was a reminder that i was only sick for a week even though i felt like i lost an entire month of work and working out. i've been told i get my propensity for dramatics from my father. i also inherited his attention span.

things i enjoyed paying attention to this week

  • look what @yomimono made in celebration of the (iirc) ten year anniversary of me once tweeting that i just keep getting hotter and smarter. no one can say that me saying that was any short of iconic - there's MULTIPLE pieces of fan art about it. i like that.
  • i recently got a nice email from an old glitch colleague - it's co-creator, pirijan, who has a great blog. if you've not checked out his latest project kinopio, it's worth a look and try. i never talked about this with him, but pirijan once had his own office and then one day i was hired and he was told to share it with me and he never gave me any shit about it. i have given my office up to people twice in my career and they each still gave me shit. sharing truly is caring is what i'm saying.
  • tom macwright has been sharing a sketch a day and i really enjoy them. i fear that i may need the accountability of getting kicked out of a club if i miss a sketch.

i haven't scheduled any streams in awhile, but i'm gooing to do doing a bunch of website code and deployment stuff this week and may go live once my cramps subside. i'm going to go finish my hot toddy - which has gone lukewarm at this point - now!

xoxo jenn

this was published March 24, 2025 under living art health working weekly-retro nyc jersey-city gym sobriety candle-making sick

trying to learn to enjoy markers

happy 311 day. let's (breathtakingly unrelatedly) talk about markers. the first set of markers i ever remember owning and loving were the 'bold' crayola marker 8 count. i was reminded of them this week as i was trying out some markers that came in the latest upcrate box - a subscription i discovered over quarantine and just picked back up after a couple-year hiatus. in my last figure sketch post, i talked about how i don't really like alcohol markers.

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weekly retro: are there brokers in the ocean?

i'm just coming down now from a heightened state of agitation, caused by only just realizing at 5pm that daylight saving time ended while we were asleep. imagine the clock saying 5pm and your cat is not screaming for food and treats, it's *terrifying* lol! fortunately, pumagreg is fine and, as far as he's concerned, getting an early dinner.

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making custom matchboxes

one of my favorite parts of buying from artisans directly is that there's always some surprise, personal touch added to the package - like a free sticker, candy, or a handwritten note. to me, it's proof of care and craft, and that's very important in this era of rampant ip theft and stealthy drop-shipping. as i work towards opening my own art and candle store later this month, i have been thinking as much about shipping as i've been melting wax and swirling paint. with candles being my primary ware, i thought it would be fun to include a custom matchbox with orders. i did a test run last week to give out to visitors over the weekend and they were a huge hit.

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weekly retro: three teens in a trenchcoat start a business on their period

i'm sitting here groggy, swollen and sore after a very poorly-slept night - a signal of my period starting any second. but it's hard not to feel invigorated about this week after seeing the next few days' forecasts having temperature highs in the low-50s after a very frigid and windy couple of weeks. time to crack open a window and finish this blog post. but first, a rorschach test...

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making butter (kind of)

happy valentines day, a good day to share a recent, small labor of love i did for a dear friend of mine. lisa and i went to college and lived on the same floor. when i got a remote job, she helped me find a new place in jersey city and so i've lived within a couple of blocks from her ever since - for over a decade now. if you've been to jerseyscript you may have had the pleasure of meeting her. lisa has a lot of style and her home has a lot of nice things that i like to touch and ooh and ahh at. one of those things is a ceramic piece of toast with a little butter candle by collin garrity.

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weekly retro: last full week of my 30s

laws have become a gentlemen's agreement and we are no longer ruled by gentlemen - that's how i'd explain the last week at a higher level with what's going on in america and even on the streets of my own community.

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